Monday, October 17, 2011

Cold As Ice

Have we grown so cold,
To callous to even feel,
Pain and human warmth?
Lord, this seems unreal.
Why are our hearts iced over?
Why does our blood run cold?
Why has the milk of kindness,
Been tossed out as if it is old?
Lord melt our frozen hearts.
Light Your fire within our core.
Lord give us Your loving Heart,
So that we can care once more.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pegan Elizabeth

In two days I will remember
They day that you were born.
You went from my womb to Heaven.
Leaving me to morn.
Twenty years ago you came,
And simply could not stay.
So I gave you back to God,
On that painful October day.
I will never forget you.
My pearl of lovely worth.
You were born straight into Heaven,
On the day of your birth.
Pray for us dearest Pegan.
My angel waiting for me.
I know that you are waiting,
And one day you I will see.
Happy birthday baby,
My Pegan Elizabeth so dear.
Keep us all in your prayers,
As we struggle through down here.