Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Cookie Baking Day

It's Christmas cookie baking day.
To make this week complete.
It is time to frost and decorate
Lord help me keep it sweet.
Time to bake the gingerbread
And sugar cookies too.
To wish sweet friends both far and near
A Christmas warm and true.
So God bless and keep each one of you.
God bless you every day.
May Christmas not come once a year
But always with you stay.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Lord I know You are coming.
I can feel You on Your way.
Quickly we are speeding
On to Christmas Day.
Lord heal my wounded heart,
Make it ready to greet You.
I am so sinful a person.
I simply have no clue.
I am not worthy,
To behold Your precious Face.
How thankful I am Your coming
Is an act of loving Grace.
Mold me Lord and make me,
Be what You see in me.
Precious Lord and Savior,
Who came to set us free.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Old Fashioned Christmas

Dear Father in Heaven,
I was thinking last night.
Remembering Christmases long ago.
Those presents and gifts
I just had to have
Don't even live on in my memory.
I remember more clearly
The love that we shared.
Me and my family.
I remember so clearly
The joy we once had
Dragging home a raggedy tree.
Dear Father in Heaven,
Give us all that gift
That lives on forever in our hearts.
Give us the joy
Of an old fashioned Christmas
The joy of the Babe
Born to set us free.
Give us that gift
Dearest Father above
Give us again the gift that is Love.
That is what Christmas means to me.